Saturday, March 17, 2012

Treat Box

"Forget the destination, live the adventure." - Melanie Heurich

2 dogs - 2 cats - 2 plants

We may not be marching two by two but this rolling ark is about to be filled with the stuff dreams are made of, in this case, lots-o-cat litter and very expensive gasoline.  I know the poocher-pies will be happy because their favorite stinky snack box will undoubtedly be spewing cat poo scented treats by the time we hit Kentucky.  I will be ecstatic if the cats even use their litter box at all.  They have a hard enough time in their stationary home.  Who's complaining though?  Not me!  I've been planning this adventure for as long as I can remember.  I couldn't be happier to share this adventure with my furry babies.

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